Sunday 6 June 2010

Cliff Counts and Nest Counts

The past few days have been the busiest so far, as the majority of our time has been taken up with cliff counts and nest counts. Cliff counts involves using the Zodiac boat to go around all of the islands in the Inner Group and count how many nesting pairs of Shags, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots and Cormorants there are. This is done over 10 days, with each person counting a different species each day. At the end of the 10 days, everybody wil have counted each species at least once. The highest count and the lowest count for each species are then taken away and an average is taken of those that are left. This average is taken as the total number of that species in the Inner Group. The same is done with the Outer Group of islands, which gives us the total number of breeding birds for each species on the Farne Islands. All of this started for the Inner Group on the 2nd June and involved getting up pretty early to go out and count things. It was pretty good though, as I had Shags, which are one of the easiest ones to count! Guillemots are the hardest as there are about 10,000 of them on the Inner Group alone!

Nest counts started on the 3rd June. Nest counts involves counting every single nest of every single species of bird that nests on the island (apart from those mentioned above). To do this, the whole of the island has to be checked with a fine-toothed comb to ensure that we count every single nest. The Brownsman team had their nest count day on the 3rd June. As nest counts take all day, me, Michael and Jamie had to go over to Staple Island to do their visitor work, and then speed all the way back to Inner Farne to do our visitor work over here! So a very long day all round. Nest counts on Inner Farne started the very next day, so we were all up early again, for a 6am start. we had to rope off all of the island into transects so that we could know for certain that we had covered the entire island. The Brownsman team came over to Inner Farne in the afternoon and did our visitor work for us (as well as doing their own in the morning) so that we could continue with our counts. Unfortunately for us though, we didn't manage to get the whole of the island done in one day, so we continued with counts all of yesterday morning, which I helped with even though it was my day off! I then relaxed in the afternoon while the others did visitor work, and helped with nest counts again in the evening. We still have a small amount of the island that we need to cover, but unfortunately there is alot of fog today, so we can't do it this morning. Hopefully the evening will be better!

For the past few days whilst we've been involved in nest counts, we haven't been able to do any cliff counts, apart from yesterday. Therfore we've only done 2 out of 10, and have many to go! The one this morning had to be cancelled as well as the nest counts, again due to the fog. But hopefull tomoro will be a nicer day so that we can get it all done! During nest counts, I took many photos of cute chicks of many species with my brand new camera that my dad sent to me! So I shall be putting those up on here very soon!

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