Tuesday 1 June 2010

Big News!

Big news from the Farnes today! We had pretty strong Southerly winds all day today, and as a results we had a very rare bird fly over the islands! A Black Kite flew over at about 4.30pm today, whilst being mobbed by many many waders. This is the first time this bird has ever been seen on the Farne Islands, as it is pretty rare in England! So a brilliant sighting! A couple of photos were taken by Mark, so I will get them on here asap! In addition to this, we had Midlands Today (a news programme from the Midlands) out here filming live today! Luckily we weren't interviewed or anything, but was good all the same! Apart from that not much has been happening here. This should have been our busiest weekend of the year, but very strong Northerly winds prevented anyone from getting to the islands the entire weekend and stranded us out here, which isn't too good as we're now running out of food a little bit...but we'll be going to Seahouses tomoro if all goes to plan, so not too much of a tragedy. Thats all there is to report at the moment, so here are the photos I've been promising!

One of the first Arctic Terns to nest showing off her 2 eggs
An Arctic Tern carrying a very large sandeel in order to attract a mate

The colony of Sandwich Terns
(note the black beak and shaggy crest at the back of the head)

The Sandwich Tern eggs!
A Puffin on the top of the Pele Tower on a nice day
Graeme with an Arctic Tern on his head!
A bucket full of ducks! The 5 Eider chicks that I rescued :)
Me holding one of the Eider ducklings
Dave hanging on for dear life whilst the strong North winds make giant waves in the Kettle (the sheltered bay between Inner Farne and the Wideopens)
A photo to show how bad the waves were out towards Brownsman during the high winds
A Shag with her chicks - which are now very large despite only being a few weeks old!
A close-up of a male Shag
2 Kittiwake chicks nestling close to their mother
A Black-Headed Gull takes her 2 chicks down to the pond for a drink
Midlands Today filming live from Inner Farne


  1. Eeeek! So cute. Are you missing us out there, or are the cute birdies enough?

  2. Yeah I am missing people, but the birds are very nice and so are all the people here! If you get a chance, you should come and visit! How are you? Hows the project going? x
