Sunday 2 May 2010

Day 3

Literally done nothing today! There are really strong winds coming in from the North so no visitor boats are running, and since the bird monitoring work hasn't started yet we've been doing not a lot all day. In a while, I'm going to be the guinea pig for the shower, which should be interesting! We don't have running water, it all comes from a tank in the attic, and we don't have central heating, so the fire in the living room is used to heat up the water and the radiators, while solar panels provide the electricity. Since the shower will use tons of water and heat they haven't tried it before now, and I'm desitined to be the first! Apart from that not much to report today, so I'll explain the dynamics of the team.

On Inner Farne (my island) there is currently a team of 5 people: me, Graeme, David (who looks like prince william), Mike (the scottish one) and David Steel (aka 'Steely' - the head warden). David and Mike have been here since March and leave in Septmber, whereas me and Graeme are new and only here for 3 months. Soon we will be joined by Jamie who will live in the tower with us, and 2 female research students who will live in the lighthouse with 'Steely'.

On Brownsman (the other big island) there is: Jason, Matt (who is only 19!), Mark and Tom (and possibly someone else...I can't remember) who live in the old lighthouse cottage. There isn't much that remains of the actual lighthouse. They are soon to be joined by Wes who will live with them. Steely travels between the 2 islands to make sure all is well, and we meet up with the others quite often as well (or so I am told) so there are lots of nice people to socialise with!

Tommorrow looks like much of the same weather, or possibly worse, so it's highly likely that I won't be doing much again tommorow either, in which case there's no point in me posting anything! x

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