Saturday 1 May 2010

1st day at the Farnes

Written 01/05/2010
So, this is my first day and my first ever blog so bear with me.
Arrived on the islands at about 3pm, and got picked up in a little boat and taken over to the islands along with my dad and stepmum. Scariest boat journey ever! ...Or so I thought (read on..). We were quickly shown around the isalnds before the last tourist boat left at 4pm, which my dad and stepmum left on. It was brilliant sunshine and really warm, so I was happy despite the smell...1000s of seabirds all in one place does leave the islands a bit stinky, but I'm told I'll get used to it (I hope so). Unfortunately I didn't get any photos as my camera was packed away somewhere, but I'm sure my dad will send me his.

I have my own room which is nice as old towers go, and I'm living with 3 guys who are in a dorm next to my room. They're all really nice but kinda quiet at the moment! Didn't really do much as most of the staff were off on their boat training course (mines on the 16th May) so didn't meet most of the guys till the evening. We made a few more trips on the scary boats and I'm starting to get a bit more used to them now which is good as I'll be using them everyday for the next 3 months! In the evening we went to Seahouses (the village on the mainland) and had dinner in a pub, where we also got to meet all of the guys that run the tourist boat trips, who all seemed really nice as well! We also had to wait for the others to get back from their boating course so that we could all get back to the islands, but staying out so late meant driving the boats back in the dark. With no lights. And I mean pitch black. With only a lighthouse to guide us! So yeah, THAT was the scariest boat journey ever!!! Hopefully won't have to do it too often! Got the morning off today, as there are strong winds, but if the toursit boats can get over here we will be busy this afternoon.
So far so good! Hopefully I'll continue to enjoy it!


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Hope you are settling in well. I've seen the photos and it looks a bit bleak to me. I bet you'd need thermal underwear if you lived there in the winter!
    Hope you enjoy the experience.
    Lotsa love
    Auntie Elaine xxx

  2. Hello!
    It's really nice here when it's sunny but being a bit of rock in the North Sea it's often pretty windy! I wear a couple of layers, a fleece and a waterproof jacket if I need it. It's not been too bad so far and since it's turning into summer it will hopefully get even better! Hope you and the rest of the family are well and enjoying life in general!
    Sarah xxx
