Sunday 5 September 2010

My Farnes Bird List

Below is a list of all of the bird species that I have seen whilst I was on the Farnes. This way people can just look at the list, rather than asking me all the time! In total, I saw 69 different species, 51 of which I saw for the first time, and 24 of which breed on the islands (if I’ve remembered correctly!).
B = Breeds on the islands
* = the first time I saw that species was on the islands

Shelduck B
Mallard B
Eider B *
Red-breasted Merganser B *
Fulmar B *
Sooty Shearwater *
Manx Shearwater *
Storm Petrel *
Cormorant B
Shag B *
Gannet *
Grey Heron
Black Kite *
White-tailed Eagle *
Water Rail *
Oystercatcher B
Ringed Plover B
Golden Plover *
Dunlin *
Knot *
Purple Sandpiper *
Snipe * (one flew over whilst ringing in Birmingham, but it was 6am in the winter so I didn’t see it properly)
Turnstone *
Whimbrel *
Curlew *
Redshank *
Green Sandpiper *
Wood Sandpiper *
Arctic Skua *
Great Skua *
Little Gull *
Black-headed Gull B
Herring Gull B
Lesser Black-backed Gull B
Great Black-backed Gull B
Kittiwake B *
Sandwich Tern B *
Roseate Tern *
Common Tern B *
Arctic Tern B *
Little Tern *
Guillemot B *
Razorbill B *
Puffin B *
Feral Pigeon B
Turtle Dove *
Long-eared Owl *
Swallow B
Pied Wagtail B
Ashy-headed Wagtail *
Tree Pipit *
Meadow Pipit *
Rock Pipit B *
Whinchat *
Thrush Nightingale *
Wheatear *
Icterine Warbler *
Melodious Warbler *
Barred Warbler *
Whitethroat *
Garden Warbler *
Willow Warbler *
Wood Warbler *
Pied Flycatcher *

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