Tuesday 17 August 2010

August - Part 1

I realised today that I haven’t updated the blog for quite a while now! So much has happened in the past few weeks that I’m never going to be able to remember it all, but I’ll try my best to remember all the important information.

So, first things first – where am I? Still on the Farnes! Steely was happy for me to stay on during August as a volunteer, so I’m here till the end of August, or until I find a paid job, which will hopefully happen – I need a job to do over the winter so I can have money! Which is the downside of being a volunteer really - I’m doing all the same work as I was doing before, but now I’m not paid, so I’m spending all the money I’ve saved from my wages! But I’m still spending less money here than I would be at home, and I’m gaining valuable experience, so it’s all good!

So what about the seal contract? At the end of July, Steely told each of us individually whether or not we were successful in getting the seal contract. There were 5 places in total, so it was obvious that Steely and the 2 Senior Wardens (Jason and David) were going to get places. That left only 2 spots and 8 Wardens wanting to work with the seals! Unfortunately, I was not one of those 2, simply because there were other Wardens that are better than me at the job! In the end it was Jamie and Graeme who got the places, so congratulations to them! I’m incredibly jealous, but I hope they really enjoy it.

So what am I doing over the winter? Well, I’m going to Mauritius! For three weeks! In October! With Tahnia! And it’s going to be awesome! The flights are all booked and paid for, so now I just need to figure out where I want to go, and buy a book on Mauritian birds so I actually know what I’m looking at! I’m incredibly excited about it all and really looking forward to it, despite how poor it’s making me! Apart from that, I don’t have any plans for the winter time. I really hope I can find a job, preferably one in conservation (that way I’ll actually enjoy it) and preferably one that’s paid, so I can afford this holiday! Unfortunately, jobs like these seem to be few and far between, but I’m applying for the ones I find, so I’m hopeful.

So what’s been going on on the Farnes? Not a lot. Apart from a few Shags and the odd Kittiwake, all of the breeding birds and their offspring have left the islands (excluding Mallards and Pigeons, which are still breeding, but nobody’s too interested in seeing them for some reason). However, we are getting lots of other birds passing through, especially lots of warblers, as well as a few rarities as well! We recently had a Melodious Warbler on Brownsman (the first one to be seen on the Farnes, and in Northumberland!) and a Thrush Nightingale on Longstone (only the 2nd record for the Farnes). So everybody here was very happy (whereas I didn’t really know what I was looking at)! Steely’s a bit annoyed though as he’s been on holiday for the past couple of weeks and didn’t get to see either of the birds!

Think that’s about all for now, see you all soon!